- April 2013 – Trouble in the Central African Republic
The C.A.R has undergone a series of dramatic, violent political uprisings in recent months. A rebel group has overthown the leadership of President Gen. Francois Bozize. Andrea stayed at Dzanga Bai as long as she could, but finally decided it…
April 10, 2013 - April 2016 – Hanging on in Africa
More good news! Last year, the Lab recieved a very generous gift that the Lab Director decided to focus on ELP and two other programs in the BioAcoustics Research Program. This enabled us to bring a fantastic new post-doc into…
April 9, 2016 - April 2017 – Optimism and Vulnerability
I write to all of you this time with particularly conflicted emotions. China is actually meeting some of its stated goals to eliminate nearly all of its domestic ivory trade
April 8, 2017 - August 2013 – A summer of elephants
ELP was busy this summer: Peter went to Cameroon to set up recorders, Andrea worked with Peter on her data from Dzanga while monitoring the situation in C.A.R., and we had two high-school volunteers Maya and Jonathan (pictured here) who…
August 10, 2013 - August 2017 – Andrea’s Story
No one knows Africa’s forest elephants better than Andrea Turkalo. But poachers and a corrupt state forced the researcher to say goodbye to her beloved animals.
August 8, 2017 - December 2013 – Rumbling in two voices
A fascinating study showing that elephants can produce rumbles from their mouths and from their trunks
December 10, 2013 - December 2014 – Wrapping an elephant year
Andrea finally returned to Dzanga to an enthusiastic welcome from the locals
December 6, 2014 - December 2015 – Amazing Life
In spite of the depredations inflicted on the world by our species, all of us are fortunate to live still in a world with amazing, fascinating, infinitely complex, and intrinsically beautiful organisms.
December 20, 2015 - December 2016 – New Experiences in Congo
Peter and Daniela were surprised by a gorilla as they trecked through the forest in Congo on a recent mission to put up new recording units. They also spent a week at Dzanga Bai in Central African Republic, with Andrea….
December 10, 2016